Megamendung Twilly
Silk Satin Printed Twilly
Size: 5 x 100cm
Design by Indonesia local artist, Alifia
Manufactured in Indonesia
Design inspired by one of the most famous Batik pattern originated from Cirebon
The Story Behind
The Jewel of West Java This
design depicts the Jaipong Dance combined with Mega Mendung Batik. Jaipong dance is an art originating from West Java, symbolizes a bridge for mutual understanding, especially for the Sundanese people or people in West Java. The Jaipong dance itself represents Sundanese women who are friendly, brave, energetic, resilience, independent, responsible, and charismatic and yet well-mannered. Jaipong is said to be present as a rejection of the old stereotypes of Sundanese women are generally lazy, and easily give up. Sampur is the main property in dancing the Jaipong Dance, represented in a long cloth worn by dancers as a tool for dance movement and is also often used to invite the audience to get on stage. Meanwhile, Batik Mega Mendung means that every human being must be able to hold back anger at himself when he is in a downturn, sad or depressed. Always try to be wise under any circumstances like a cloudy cloud that can cool down the atmosphere. In Indonesia, we have many differences in the field of art and art sometimes becomes a bridge for people to understand each other and understand themselves.
Tutorial Megamendung Twilly